Does war machine do energy dmg future fight
Does war machine do energy dmg future fight


Looking carefully at that scene again, it looks like Stark's Humvee was boxed in, with the humvees directly in front and behind destroyed and blocking escape.


In this movie, they know where the attack is coming from - the driver yells "Contact left!" as they are being attacked. A good example of this pops up in Generation Kill with the AA gun ambush on the Marines' convoy. Dismounting to get to cover is actually a reasonable tactic if you know where you're get shot at from and you can't move.The Army troopers wouldn't know that when they came under fire and would react like they always do to mujahadeen, not understanding how immensely outgunned they were. These guys are the Ten Rings, on a whole different league from the guys the US military tangles with, along with the fact that they've got Stark Tech backing them up, then they have the upper hand in that situation no matter what.Take away the elements of surprise and superior position by getting in close with them, and suddenly they're less dangerous. Plus, in the US military's experience, the people ambushing them often have less firepower or troops that aren't as well trained at short range combat they use ambushes because they need the advantage of surprise to offset their disadvantages.So your options boil down to either running away or attacking the ambushers either way you want to get out of the kill-zone as fast as you can. Starting a firefight on the ambush ground is a good way to get killed in a hurry so is hunkering down in the middle of the ambush ground. If the enemy ambushes you, it's a pretty safe bet that the spot you were ambushed on is the best place they can think of for shooting at you: they've got the high ground, they've got mortars and artillery pointed at the area, and they've probably wired the whole place to blow up. This isn't as crazy and audacious a plan as it sounds.But if you're in a traveling convoy, the actual protocol is to just keep going and not risk getting more of your team killed.

does war machine do energy dmg future fight

  • That's not my what my research tells me.
  • It's actually standard doctrine in the Army and the Marine Corps that if you're caught in the middle of an ambush, you charge straight into it and destroy the ambushers.
  • Ambushes usually favor the attacker in real life too. Is it successful? Not really because it's just a well executed ambush. Presumably they're being hit from all sides and in such a case, especially since other humvees have just been blown up, it would be wiser to get out and fight back so you don't get stuck in an iron coffin.

    does war machine do energy dmg future fight

    Also, in an ambush, the only more safe way to escape is the way you came - you can't be sure any other way isn't trapped too.Isn't the first Humvee disabled by the roadside IED? Tony's Humvee can't exactly floor it and high-tail out of there without stopping to pick up the wounded first.I'm not a military man, but isn't the smart thing to do is to keep moving any way possible? Especially if they're escorting someone like Tony Stark? They all run out of the Humvee like a bunch of lemmings when they get ambushed in a large open space by unseen assailants, and get gunned down. The soldiers in the opening scene are pathetic.PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.

    does war machine do energy dmg future fight

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    does war machine do energy dmg future fight

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  • Does war machine do energy dmg future fight